Sacramento's Premier Baseball League since  1984
Home of 62 World Series Championship Teams

SMSBL Hall of Famer Gregg Dow
Gregg Dow
2019 Inductee
    Gregory was born and raised in Sacramento. His first memory of baseball is watching his mom pitch in a women’s softball league at 10th and P St. He also remembers sitting with his mom and listening to SF Giants games on the transistor radio while she kept score. Gregg played his first organized baseball with Fruitridge Little League at the age of 8. Then, he moved on to Babe Ruth and continued on Tahoe Tallac Senior Little League. While attending Hiram Johnson High School, he was a member of swim and diving team and was a pole vaulter on the Varsity track team. After graduating High School, he went on to study Architecture and Electrical Engineering in LA. Shortly after completing college, he moved to Gaithersburg, Maryland where he was offered a job with an architectural firm. In 1974, Gregg returned to Sacramento and began his electrical apprenticeship - a job that would evolve into a lifelong career. Around that time, he also reconnected with his old high school friends who invited him to join an A/B softball team. He played on the team for several years. In mid-80’s, coached his son’s baseball team at Tahoe Tallac Little League all the way through Senior League. The pivotal point for Gregg was a phone call from his best friend Dennis Viegas asking him if he would be interested in joining the baseball team Dennis was playing on at that time. Apprehensive at first, unsure if after two decades of hiatus he could still ‘hit the ball’, he decided to give it a try. After his first game, he was hooked and he has been playing ever since. Gregg joined SMSBL in early 2000 and had the honor and pleasure to play with many remarkable players winning number of Division Championships. The teams he played on include: Mariners - Mgr. Steve Brusha, Cardinals - Mgr. Jim Hill, Indians - Mgr. Gary Stonebrook, Giants - Mgr. Javier Campos, Valley Giants - Mgr. by Robb Segura, White Sox - Mgr. Ken Chavez, and the most recent team, the Athletics, managed by Joe Soto and Pat Kelly. He was also placed on the Cubs, managed by Phil Stokes, in the Golden Senior Division. In addition to playing on the above teams, he has participated in the Las Vegas Kick Off Tournament winning a number of tittles from 2001 to 2011. He has also been attending the MSBL World Series, winning rings with the CalZona Tribe and the Sacramento Solons. Gregg’s contributions and hard work at the McAuliffe Baseball complex over the years needs to be recognized. He is a constant presence and his support, hours spent, and assistance is also a tribute to his hall of fame resume’. It has been an immense joy to play with and against so many talented ball players. The camaraderie and friendships created over the years have been invaluable. Now, he is looking forward to many more seasons ahead. Gregg gives thanks to HOF Committee for bestowing this great honor, when in fact the HOF committee and his peers thank him for his tireless commitment to the SMSBL and the game of baseball.