Sacramento's Premier Baseball League since 1984
Home of 69 World Series Championship Teams
SMSBL Hall of Fame Nomination Form:
Please submit a brief description outlining the nominee’s eligibility and participation and or association with the SMSBL. Consider skills as a player locally and representing the league in regional and National tournaments,associated community service, associated role with the SMSBL, and any other pertinent information. Nominees remain on the ballot for 5 years.
**1.The nominee must be at least 60 years of age at the time this form is submitted.
**2.A nominee must have played, participated, or have been associated with the SMSBL a minimum of 15 years.
3.An individual and or immediate family member nomination is not permitted.
4.This nomination form MUST be submitted in order for an individual to be considered. All submissions/ nominations are due no later than December 31st to be considered the following year.
5.The SMSBL Hall of Fame committee selection process is by secret ballot vote of committee members.
** Any exception to item 1 & 2 must be approved by the HOF Committee.